Quotes from Jeff Graves’ blog

I have gleaned a few quotes from my son’s blog, jeff-graves.com. I will add to these quotes from time to time. Please visit jeff-graves.com for insights and comments about technology and leadership:

Do your wounds make you a better leader? I believe mine have.  We all have suffered wounds of one kind or another.  This might be the loss of a loved one, a physical impairment, a mental or emotional disappointment, or simply a setback where things are not going the way we planned. If you let your wounds, your failures, your losses define you then you limit not only your own personal growth but your ability to lead others as well.

R. S. Perry has just released two songbooks

R. S. Perry, the Little Rock artist and composer, has just released two songbooks: a new one, Celtic Crone Songs, and a second edition of an older one, Velvet Nights and Other Songs. See our R. S. Perry page for more details. More information is available on cronesinger.com. Both books are available in print versions and in PDF e-Book format. Both books were edited by J. S. Graves.

The Tables of Contents can be viewed here:


Velvet Nights Contents-2016